
Name FullName Blurb
Angular Angular A popular web application framework I used at DSS and Palm Beach County.
ASP.Net Microsoft ASP.Net ASP.Net is a development framework from Microsoft and the successor to Classic ASP. I've been working with ASP.Net since around 2003, mostly on the side and for certain Intranet applications while maintaining the company's public facing website in Classic ASP.
Bootstrap Bootstrap.js Bootstrap is a front-end framework for building mobile friendly apps. I've been using it since about 2013
C# C-Sharp I've been using object-oriented C# to develop .Net Intranet and back-end applications at MusiciansBuy using Visual Studio, including web forms, console applications and a little MVC. I started with C# at least 13 years ago when I first started looking at ASP.Net, using it mostly for Intranet applications, and at least one externally facing website launched as an experimental offshoot of MusiciasBuy.
Classic ASP Active Server Pages Classic ASP is a server-side framework for building web applications introduced by Microsoft in 1997. Used at US Diagnostic and MusiciansBuy from 1997-2016.
CSS Cascading Style Sheets CSS came later, and when I first started playing with it browser support was very thin, so I could not make much use of it in a production environment. Nevertheless I looked forward to the day it could be used to de-couple form from format, if you will, or in other words, separate the logical structure from the details of visual presentation. This has become all the more important as we find ourselves dealing with a variety of devices with varying form factors and capabilities.
Fireworks Adobe Fireworks Fireworks is a web-oriented graphics development program now owned by Adobe but formerly from Macromedia. I've been using it since the early 2000's to create most of the graphics used in the websites and applications I have built over the years. Fireworks can also do slicing and menu generation, but I use those features much less now than in the old days.
GA Google Analytics Google Analytics is a web analytics service from Google which we used at Musiciansbuy and DSS.
HTML HyperText Markup Language As HTML is the language that defines the most basic structure of a web page, my experience with it goes back 20 years to my first web page. As I already had experience with mark-up languages used in documentation preparation at an earlier job, I found it very easy to pick up.
JavaScript JavaScript My experience with JavaScript goes all the way back to 1996 when I coded my first website. At that time browser support was minimal, and the principal use of JavaScript was in from validation. Shortly after starting work at USD in January 1997 I brought the then-new ASP framework into the company and chose JavaScript as my coding language for the server-based aspects. When CIO David Carroll realized this technology might be useful for in-house forms used by staff for daily operations, developing complex interactive forms using client-side JavaScript became a large part of daily activities. JavaScript continued to be important in my subsequent job at MusiciansBuy, again as my language of choice server side ASP and for DHTML operations such as implementing tabbed interfaces, image rotators and other UX/UI features in addition to form validation. Later on I discovered jQuery (q.v) as a way to expand what could safely and efficiently be done with JavaScript.
jQuery jQuery jQuery is a JavaScript library that extends JavaScript and makes it easier and more efficient to create dynamic user interfaces and effects. I've been using jQuery since around 2011.
Oracle Oracle Database Oracle Database is a popular database management system produced by Oracle Corporation, and which I came to appreciate while working at Palm Beach County.
SQL Structured Query Language From 2003 to 2014 the company I was working for used a SQL Server database for inventory and transactional data. I wrote queries and stored procedures against that database for programmatic use on the web site, on intranet applications, and for reporting purposes. Even after the day-to-day business operations were replatformed to NetSuite it remained my responsibility to maintain the legacy database. The SQL database also came in handy for applications I wrote post-migration such as our "404 Wrangler" app used to track and forward lost URLs reported in Google Analytics..
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server is a popular relational database management system from Microsoft which I used at MusiciansBuy and DSS.
Toad Toad for Oracle A database management toolset we used at Palm Beach County in connection with Oracle.
Typescipt Typescipt A superscript of Javascript I used in connection with Angular at DSS and Palm Beach County.
Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio Visual studio is a sophisticated editor/development environment for writing the code that drives websites and applications.
XML eXtensible Markup Language XML is a data represenation format often used in data exchanges. Examples of where I've used XML include generating the XML Merchant Data Feed for submission to Google, Event data for a calendar app, and the XML Sitemap used to represent site structure for search engines.