Web Sites

Between 1996 and 2016 I've had the opportunity to build a number of web sites for various companies and concerns. Many of these either no longer exist or are no longer my work, so I'll provide descriptions and screenshots in lieu of links.

Institut Biblique Logos Website Screenshot

Institut Biblique Logos Website

Haitian Creole Bible School site. For Institut Biblique Logos, 2005?-2007?. Used ASP,Net, Webforms, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, SQL, FTP
KeyboardsUSA Website Screenshot

KeyboardsUSA Website

An experimental offshoot of MusiciansBuy (q.v.) focused on keyboard bundling. For KeyboardsUSA, 2005?. Used ASP.Net, C#, HTML, JavaScript, WebForms
Helping Hands Haiti Website Screenshot

Helping Hands Haiti Website

Website for Haiti relief project For Helping Hands Haiti, 2005. Used HTML, FTP, SHTML
Grace Fellowship Church Website Screenshot

Grace Fellowship Church Website

multi-page church site For Grace Fellowship Church, 2005. Used HTML, Javascript, FTP, Fireworks
MusiciansBuy Website Screenshot

MusiciansBuy Website

eCommerce site for retailer of musical instruments and audio gear. A classic ASP site from 2003-2014, ported to Netsuite as of January 2015. For MusiciansBuy, 2003-2016. Used Classic ASP, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, CDO, IIS, Bootstrap
Palm Beach Community Church  Screenshot

Palm Beach Community Church

Custom-built Church website designed from images created by Marketing director. Included an intranet for administrative use. For Palm Beach Community Church, 2003?-2007?. Used Classic ASP, HTML, CSS, DHTML, JavaScript, Fireworks
Stargate Technologies Website Screenshot

Stargate Technologies Website

Networking hardware firm. I got the job to build the website through a referral from the then-CIO of US Diagnostic. My first paid side-job. For Stargate Technologies, 2003. Used Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, FTP
HouseYouWant.com Website Screenshot

HouseYouWant.com Website

A Real Estate venture on the part of another client. For HouseYouWant.com, 2002. Used Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, FTP
Advanced Medical Imaging Center Screenshot

Advanced Medical Imaging Center

One of the imaging centers in the US Diagnostic network at the time we offered to build and host websites for member centers. For Advanced Medical Imaging, 2001?. Used HTML, Javascript, FTP, Fireworks
Dayton Medical Imaging Website Screenshot

Dayton Medical Imaging Website

One of the Imaging Centers in the U.S.. Diagnostic network. In the early 2000s we offered to build and host websites for participating centers. For Dayton Medical Imaging, 2001. Used HTML, Classic ASP, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, IIS, JavaScript,
Harbor Church Website Screenshot

Harbor Church Website

Multi-page church website. They wanted to take advantage of donated hosting that was not ASP compatible, so this one was plain HTML. What I remember the most about this one was posting "RealAudio" streaming audio of each week's sermon, which at that time was a time-consuming process. For The Harbor Church, 2000-2001. Used HTML, FTP, RealAudio, streaming audio, Fireworks
Gramercy Medical Imaging Website Screenshot

Gramercy Medical Imaging Website

One of the US Diagnostic Imaging centers that took us up on the offter to build and host sites for member centers. For Gramercy Medical Imaging, 1999. Used Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, IIS
USD Intranet  Screenshot

USD Intranet

The USD diagnostic Intranet was even more complex than the public facing website. For US Diagnostic, 1997-2002. Used Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Fireworks, FTP, IIS, Access
U.S. Diagnostic, Inc Website Screenshot

U.S. Diagnostic, Inc Website

Diagnostic Imaging Company. My first full-item webmaster job. For US Diagnostic, 1997-2002. Used HTML, Classic ASP, Fireworks, Access, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, IIS, JavaScript, DHTML
AMF International Website Screenshot

AMF International Website

Jewish/Christian site. One of my first projects. Built and maintained for several years. For AMF International., 1996-2007?. Used Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Fireworks, FTP
Southwest Community Church Website Screenshot

Southwest Community Church Website

Website for a church in Miami. One of my first projects For Southwest Community Church, 1996-1997. Used HTML, Javascript, FTP