
Name Description Client Years Technologies Type
404 Wrangler Used to manage 404 errors. Reads a CSV file downloaded from Google Analytics, then searches legacy SQL database to suggest possible forwarding URLs. Generated CSV file for operator editing prior to upload to Netsuite. MusiciansBuy 2016 C#, ASP.Net. WebForms, SQL, Visual Studio APP
Abandoned Carts Report Shows shopping carts never converted to orders. MusiciansBuy 2010? Classic ASP, HTML APP
Advanced Medical Imaging Center One of the imaging centers in the US Diagnostic network at the time we offered to build and host websites for member centers. Advanced Medical Imaging 2001? HTML, Javascript, FTP, Fireworks Website
AMF International Website Jewish/Christian site. One of my first projects. Built and maintained for several years. AMF International. 1996-2007? Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Fireworks, FTP Website
Banner Auditor Show all banners on site with price and status for banners pointing to item pages. MusiciansBuy 2007? Classic ASP, HTML APP
Calendar Display a calendar page for any month and year. Mark special days according to an XML file. US Diagnostic, MusiciansBuy 2002-2016 Classic ASP, HTML, VBScript, XML
Chat Schedule Editor Edit Schedule for Chat availability. Affects whether on-site icon says "email" or "chat." MusiciansBuy 2012 Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript APP
Coupon Editor Register a coupon code, set terms such as percent off entire order (with optional threshold) or fixed dollar amount off. Also specifies Start and End dates for offer. Coding also involved programming shopping cart to honor these coupon codes. MusiciansBuy 2012 Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript APP
Dayton Medical Imaging Website One of the Imaging Centers in the U.S.. Diagnostic network. In the early 2000s we offered to build and host websites for participating centers. Dayton Medical Imaging 2001 HTML, Classic ASP, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, IIS, JavaScript, Website
eBay Assistant Added a background and logo to product images for eBay to make products stand out. Obsolete now, as eBay does not allow this anymore? MusiciansBuy 2011 C#, ASP.Net, WebForms, Graphics APP
eBay Export Creates an ebay feed file for designated items. MusiciansBuy 2010? Classic ASP, CSV Files APP
Featured Items Editor Edit Featured Items Grid MusiciansBuy 2007? Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript APP
GeoFetch Processes a File uploaded from George's Music to insert product data and images into MusiciansBuy system. Implemented as a console application so it could be run on automated schedule. MusiciansBuy 2012 C#, .Net, SQL, Console Application. APP
Googleback endpoint for Google Checkout to receive and process payment information into MusiciansBuy back-end server. 2007. MusiciansBuy 2007 C#, .Net, XML., SQL APP
Grace Fellowship Church Website multi-page church site Grace Fellowship Church 2005 HTML, Javascript, FTP, Fireworks Website
Gramercy Medical Imaging Website One of the US Diagnostic Imaging centers that took us up on the offter to build and host sites for member centers. Gramercy Medical Imaging 1999 Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, IIS Website
GTIN Manager Created to manage missing or invalid GTINs (which in our case usually meant UPCs). Read XML file from Google Merchants Feed to check for missing GTIN entries, did lookup on external API to find possible matches. MusiciansBuy 2016 C#, ASP.Net, WebForms, API, XML, Visual Studio APP
Harbor Church Website Multi-page church website. They wanted to take advantage of donated hosting that was not ASP compatible, so this one was plain HTML. What I remember the most about this one was posting "RealAudio" streaming audio of each week's sermon, which at that time was a time-consuming process. The Harbor Church 2000-2001 HTML, FTP, RealAudio, streaming audio, Fireworks Website
Helping Hands Haiti Website Website for Haiti relief project Helping Hands Haiti 2005 HTML, FTP, SHTML Website Website A Real Estate venture on the part of another client. 2002 Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, FTP Website
HTMLElevator Upload and register HTML descriptions for pages. Creates database entries to register association with product. Used before the ItemEditor described above was developed. MusiciansBuy 2004 C#,, WebForms. APP
ImgRotate Processes images in batch to rotate a given number of degrees. Used to create a uniform look when product images as received from vendors of similar products arrived in various attitudes. (E.g., guitar images were sometimes given with the neck, sometimes sideways and sometimes at 45 degree or other angle. Management wanted them to be consistent when viewed together on index or search pages.). MusiciansBuy 2013 ASP.Net, MVC, C#, Graphics, Visual Studio APP
Institut Biblique Logos Website Haitian Creole Bible School site. Institut Biblique Logos 2005?-2007? ASP,Net, Webforms, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, SQL, FTP Website
ItemEditor Data entry form for product data, including image upload. MusiciansBuy 2012 C#, ASP.Net, WebForms, SQL Server. APP
KeyboardsUSA Website An experimental offshoot of MusiciansBuy (q.v.) focused on keyboard bundling. KeyboardsUSA 2005? ASP.Net, C#, HTML, JavaScript, WebForms Website
Kit Builder Create and edit bundled items MusiciansBuy 2005? Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript APP
MBCMS Data entry form for informational pages such as "About Us," or "Fender History." MusiciansBuy 2012 C#, ASP.Net, WebForms, SQL Server. APP
MusiciansBuy Website eCommerce site for retailer of musical instruments and audio gear. A classic ASP site from 2003-2014, ported to Netsuite as of January 2015. MusiciansBuy 2003-2016 Classic ASP, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, CDO, IIS, Bootstrap Website
Palm Beach Community Church Custom-built Church website designed from images created by Marketing director. Included an intranet for administrative use. Palm Beach Community Church 2003?-2007? Classic ASP, HTML, CSS, DHTML, JavaScript, Fireworks Website
Pricing Export Generate a CSV-format Price Update file. MusiciansBuy, George's Music 2013 ASP.Net, C#, CSV, Visual Studio APP
Pricing Import Upload Price Updates from a CSV file. MusiciansBuy, George's Music 2013 ASP.Net, C#, CSV, SQL, Visual Studio APP
Product Export Export product data meeting given criteria to a CSV file. MusiciansBuy, George's Music 2013 ASP.Net, C#, CSV, SQL, Visual Studio APP
Product Import Import product data from CSV file. MusiciansBuy, George's Music 2013 ASP.Net, C#, CSV, SQL, Visual Studio APP
Promo Editor Add, Edit, Delete items for promo page incuding graphic, terms of offer, link to item(s) or other landing page, start and dates so item could be set up ahead of time and come down automatically. Affected Promos page and item page(s) where appropriate. MusiciansBuy 2010? Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, SQL APP
Review Editor Review, Approve and Edit customer reviews. MusiciansBuy 2006? Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript APP
Send a Quote Issue and a log a price quote in response to "request a quote" links on items where price cannot be displayed to vendor's advertised price policy. MusiciansBuy 2010? Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript APP
Southwest Community Church Website Website for a church in Miami. One of my first projects Southwest Community Church 1996-1997 HTML, Javascript, FTP Website
Stargate Technologies Website Networking hardware firm. I got the job to build the website through a referral from the then-CIO of US Diagnostic. My first paid side-job. Stargate Technologies 2003 Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, FTP Website
ThumbRider Upload and register images for products. Generates, saves and renames images in a predetermined variety of sizes. Creates database entries to register association with product. 2004 Used before the ItemEditor described above was developed. MusiciansBuy 2004 C#,, WebForms., Graphics, SQL APP
Thumbs Rotates and resizes images on the fly in response to parameters in the URL. MusiciansBuy 2013 C#,, Graphics, ASP MVC., Visual Studio APP
U.S. Diagnostic, Inc Website Diagnostic Imaging Company. My first full-item webmaster job. US Diagnostic 1997-2002 HTML, Classic ASP, Fireworks, Access, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, IIS, JavaScript, DHTML Website
USD Intranet The USD diagnostic Intranet was even more complex than the public facing website. US Diagnostic 1997-2002 Classic ASP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Fireworks, FTP, IIS, Access Website