My first project at Palm Beach County was to update public facing Angular-based portal for 508 compliance.
Then I became part of the team to update legacy .Net Intranet application originally dependent on Internet Explorer functionality
to be compatible with modern browsers. Final project involved adding components to a public-facing portal using Angular.
In between I helped develop new features such as the ability to look up building applications by address
and help address day-to-day user issues.
My first task at DSS involved updating features of a Patient Portal web application written several years earlier in VB (Visual Basic).
The update added numerous enhanced features to the software and implemented responsive design using Bootstrap using Visual Studio 2017.
After that I had the pleasure of participating in the JunoEHR project writing Angular UI components using Angular 8 to Angular 12 (over the course of about 3 years) in Typescript, HTML and CSS using VS Code with Karma/Jasmine testing and building supporting APIs and stored procedures in C# and SQL using Visual Studio 2019 and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). The project was mangaged using Agile Development, Jira, with source management using Git.
When I first came to MusiciansBuy in April 2003, the company had recently begun to use an enterprise software product called Everest built by a company then known as iCode. Everest came with a website framework based on Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) and an impressive variety of customizable themes, but functionally it soon became apparent that the Everest asp pages would not be adequate to render the pages the management required.
The MusiciansBuy Site was not based on any 3rd-party framework or tool. We essentially rolled our own -- I wrote ASP pages to draw information from the database to render item, cateogry, brand, informational and other pages. I built an intranet to host backend applications such as inputing item data and descriptions, uploading product images, adding brands and logos, adding and arranging categories, assigning and arranging banners for the home-spun image rotator, etc.
In the original version of the site all pages were .asp, and most had URLs of the form /item.asp?ic=XYZ. After an SEO consultant hired in that first year advised us to use static HTML and present each item with a unique URL free of query strings I built Windows Host Scripts -- again using JavaScript -- to render each item as a separate HTML page. The scripts were run every night to catch any additions or changes that may have been made. The original scripts were essentially screen-scrapers that grabbed the HTML output of they dynamic ASP pages and saved them as static HTML files, but when that proved inefficient I reorganized the code to build page "objects" that could be rendered to the screen by an ASP page or to a file by the regeneration script. Similar scripts built brand, category and informational/editorial pages.
Originally the static filenames were derived from item codes, so item.asp?ic=XYZ became XYZ.html. When the site was evaluated again by an SEO consultant, however, we were advised to use "meaningful" names for the pages, so the regen script was revised to derive a filename from the item title, resulting in URLs such as
The regen scripts served us well from 2003-2014, when the site was moved to the NetSuite platform under the leadership of the new owners who had aquired the business in 2012.
U.S. Diagnostic, Inc. (not to be confused with USDiagnostics, which is a completely separate and unrelated company) was a diagnostic imaging company that managed diagnostic imaging (MRI, C-Scan, X-Ray, Ultrasouond, etc.) across the United States. In 1996 USD had had a web site designed by a third party, but wanted to bring on a full-time webmaster to redesign and maintain the site. I joined the company in January of 1997 and built a new site using Microsoft Front Page. By February I discoverd Active Server Pages, then a new system for adding dynamic functionality to web sites. At that time ASP was a separate download that had to be installed on the IIS Server. I brought it on and began to use it, at first for trivial things such as counting page hits and calculating the ages of executives so we wouldn't have to update the page every time one of them had a birthday.
When CIO David Carroll saw what I was doing, he saw the potential to solve another problem with forms that at the time were being emailed back and forth between HQ and the various imaging centers across the country. By putting those forms online we could save a lot of time and confusion. Building these dynamic, interactive forms and the corporate intranet to host them became a large part of my job for the rest of my five years there. As time went on, many new forms, informational pages and other applications were added to the intranet.
At some point the MIS department at USD HQ began to offer to design and host web sites for the individual centers, so I worked with imaging center adminstrators to create them.
Over the course of time the site was redesigned using Dreamweaver and Fireworks, which at that time were Macromedia products later taken over by Adobe.